Run wsl -set-version 1 (where Distribution is the actual Linux subsystem name).Don't uninstall Virtual Machine Platform yet as it's necessary to convert your subsystem.In my case I won't mind running a VirtualBox VM though. Of course this causes your subsystem not running on full kernel so this could be troublesome in some work environments. I just tested it and I can confirm it works. If that doesn't bring you any major drawback, just use WSL 1 as it doesn't use Virtual Machine Platform (and therefore Hyper-V) as a framework. Lessons learned: NEVER EXECUTE SCRIPTS YOU DONT KNOW WHAT EXCATLY THEY DO. I tried to disable / enable all those features mentioned above, netsh winsock reset, I uninstalled Bluestacks etc.ĭoes anybody know what I might be missing? I strongly assume that this damn Bluestacks Script did disable anything that isnt that obvious. Since both is active I dont know whats missing.
My WSL wont start up with the error Code '4294967295' It tells me to ensure that 'Virtual Machine Platform' and BIOS virtualisation is active. (Hyper-V Plattform + Management Tools Plattform for virtual devices Windows-Hypervisor-Plattform Windows-Subsystem for linux Windows Sandbox) Now I wanted to use WSL again and I stepwise enabled pretty much any feature that has sth. ( How to disable Hyper-V on Windows for BlueStacks 5 – BlueStacks Support) I am having issues with my wsl2 Ubuntu 20.04 installation.